In "Conduct In Travel" translated by Leonard Librande, Abu Hamid Al Ghazali provides a succinct yet comprehensive guide for travelers, encompassing both physical journeys and the spiritual voyage within. His...
Australia boasts a diverse array of flora, but among its natural wonders lurk hidden dangers in the form of poisonous plants, fungi, and cyanobacteria. Understanding these hazards is crucial for...
In "Basic Dental Materials 4th Edition" by John J Manappallil, readers are provided with a comprehensive overview of essential dental materials and their applications in dentistry. This edition presents fundamental...
The 9th edition of "Basic Principles & Calculations In Chemical Engineering" by David M. Himmelblau and James B. Riggs offers a comprehensive overview of fundamental principles and practical applications in...
The "Civil Engineering Reference Manual, 14th Edition" by Michael R. Lindeburg PE is an essential guide for civil engineers preparing for the PE (Professional Engineer) exam. Known for its comprehensive...
Dietary supplements and functional foods have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their potential health benefits and the growing interest in wellness and preventive healthcare. These products are...
District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 1 Volume 1, 2nd Edition by Monica Cheesbrough provides essential guidance for laboratory practices in resource-limited tropical settings, emphasizing practical techniques and quality...
Electronics For Dummies All In One 3rd Edition By Doug Lowe is an extensive guide designed for anyone interested in understanding and working with electronics. This book covers a wide...
Mucosal Delivery of Drugs and Biologics in Nanoparticles by Pavan Muttil & Nitesh K. Kunda explores innovative approaches to enhancing the efficacy of drug and biologic delivery through mucosal surfaces...
Organometallic Chemistry: A Unified Approach 2nd Edition By RC Mehrotra, A Singh provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles and applications of organometallic chemistry. This book bridges the gap...